October 18, 2024
Story [#13]

How entrepreneurs can keep their sanity.

Or a minute of stress management

Business is tough. Insanely tough. It’s stress. It’s responsibility. It’s fear of failure. It’s endless doubt. It’s sleepless nights. It’s constant anxiety.
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October 11, 2024
Story [#12]

How to reach goals.

Or a minute of planning and staying sane

— Why am I not getting anything done? Because you’re bouncing from one thing to another. No focus. And keep forgetting what you wanted in the first place. Why? No plan. — But why plan if nothing goes according to plan?
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October 4, 2024
Story [#11]

Kill your business. Right now!

Or why the path to success is paved with bones

I confess, it pisses me off when “business gurus” make loud, absolute statements. It’s clear why they do it—to stir up the crowd. Stirring up crap is the best way to grab attention.
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September 27, 2024
Story [#10]

Your business partner is not your friend.

Or, how not to ruin your brainchild by getting too attached to people.

What inspired me to write this were memories of everything I’ve been through in my entrepreneurial career. Especially the painful moments involving relationships with people. Often, those closest to me.
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September 20, 2024
Story [#9]


Or a minute of purpose.

Ever asked yourself why you do what you do? Yes, I mean business.
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September 13, 2024
Story [#8]

The founder’s biggest mistake.

Or a moment of harmony with yourself.

If you give 10 different entrepreneurs the same opportunities and resources, they’ll all end up in different places. Why?
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August 30, 2024
Story [#7]

The greatest myth.

Or a minute of elusive balance

Who doesn’t dream of a balanced, harmonious life? Definitely not me. It sounds so perfect. Harmony.
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August 23, 2024
Story [#6]

Give me a portion of that success, please.

Or a minute why success is a myth.

A measure only makes sense if there’s something to measure. He’s more successful. This one? Total loser. But who’s the judge? You are.
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August 16, 2024
Story [#5]

How to always be everywhere and on time

Or a minute of infinite resources

Time. One of the most mysterious elements in our universe. Time. Never enough, yet sometimes dragging on forever.
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August 1, 2024
Story [#4]

How to succeed at being a failure.

Or a minute of why weakness isn’t a death sentence

Twenty years ago, I started with zero knowledge about business. I mean, zilch. ​ I didn't even know that what I was doing was called business.
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July 19, 2024
Story [#3]

The Most Powerful Emotion - Fear

Why is everyone so worked up about AI?

Over the past 20 years, I've had the chance to work with many entrepreneurs. Those with a technical background view AI calmly, even enthusiastically, while non-technical folks are terrified.
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July 12, 2024
Story [#2]

How to Kill the Entrepreneur in You? Strive for Efficiency.

Or a minute of self-torment.

A wasted day. Nothing accomplished. Your brain gnaws at you—what kind of person are you? Useless, worthless, dumb, incapable, INEFFICIENT. The harsh truth, bro. Everyone lies.
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